Create Custom Campaigns
This process shows how to create Custom Campaigns in General Campaign #2 Account:
a. Click Create Ad
b. Click Use Existing Campaign and find the name of the campaign you just created. Click Continue.
c. Choose Use Existing Ad Sets and select the name of the ad set you just created. You will know the ad set because its name is the listing address of the property you are creating. Click continue.
d. Next, edit the ad. To do this, copy the Listing Description then paste it to the Text field. Then, click Select Image to use the images of the property that you uploaded a while ago.
e. Select the image. The first photo that you should include must show the exterior of the house. Click confirm.
f. After choosing the image, edit the Headline and the Description fields. The Headline must contain “Coming Soon!”, while Description should contain “Click to View More Photos!”
g. Edit Call to Action from Sign Up to Learn More.
h. Do the previous steps until you have uploaded at least three up to ten photos.
i. Then, click Review on the bottom right of the page, then save to draft.
j. Proceed to editing the Lead Form using the same process indicated from the previous topic